
Blake Belladonna x Male Reader - A Chance Pt.4

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There's an easter egg in here, see if you can find it.

"Blake starts to wake up"

Blake: "Slowly opens her eyes and her come back" W-Where am I?

Adam: Your in one of our secret bases. "Comes out of the darkness" Try and call for help all you want, no one will hear you.

Blake then tried to get up, but soon found out that she's tied onto the chair she's sitting on.

Blake: "Looks at her former partner" If you think I'm gonna go back so easily, think again.

Adam: Tsk tsk. I wish I didn't have to do this, but you leave me no choice Blake. "Snaps his finger"

Then, all of a sudden, the lights in the room turn on and revealed two oval shaped canisters. The young beauty wasn't sure of what they are, but Adam knows.

Blake: What are those?

Adam: This, is our latest invention. After countless dust robberies, we've created the ultimate weapon, the Dust Bomb. As the name says, each canister is filled with nine thousand dust crystals and a bomb inside of them. You launch this at a target, there'll be nothing left of them.

Blake: So what's your point?

Adam: "Gets a remote" This, is my point. "Turns on the screen and it shows Beacon Academy" Here's the deal Blake: You come back with us, everyone at that school will be spared. But if you don't, their blood will be on your hands.

Blake: What? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!

Adam: Oh we can. And we will.

Blake: You can't do this to them!! They never did anything wrong to you!!

Adam: Does it look like I care about the human race? They mistreated us for far too long. And I think it's about time we fight back with brute force.

As for you, you finally arrived at Blake's location. The only problem is, it's heavily guarded by White Fang.

You: "You take a peek" Of all places, why would The White Fang take an abandoned Schnee Dust Research Facility located on the top of a dormant volcano?

You: "You sigh" Never mind about that, right now I need to find Blake and get out of here before something drastic makes this place go boom.

With that said and done, you ran out of your hiding spot and sneaked your way towards the facility. It was difficult, but you managed to bypass their security and make it inside. As you kept going, you noticed the White Fang working double time on something very big. Whatever it is, their production is on a massive scale.

You: "You bring out your scroll and take pictures" This is something Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood need to know. "You put your scroll back and continue"
Back to Blake.....

Adam: So, what's it gonna be Blake? Rejoin The White Fang? or the destruction of Beacon?

"Blake stays quiet for a few seconds and then looks at Adam"

Blake: I'm never going back Adam, ever.

Adam: "Sighs" Looks like your relationship with that human boy has softened you. If you care about them, then you can mourn for them.

Blake: NO!!

Adam: "Looks at one of his men" Take a Dust Bomb and send it straight to Beacon Academy.

White Fang Soldier: Yes sir. "Leaves the room"

Adam: "Walks up to Blake and draws out his sword" I'm sorry for doing this Blake, but orders are orders.

Blake(In head): "Closes her eyes" I'm sorry for not telling you who I am (M/n).

Then, just before Adam's sword touched Blake, you came in and blocked it just in the nick of time.

Adam: What!?

Blake: "Opens her eyes and sees you" (M/n)!? What are you doing here!?

You: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm here to get you out of here!!

Blake: "Blushes" You mean, you came all this way to save me?

You: Well ofcourse, wouldn't be much of a friend if I abandoned you right?

Blake: "Looks away while blushing a bit more"

You: "You turn to Adam and point one of your Baselards at him" As for you, you and your friends are gonna pay for kidnapping Blake.

Adam: Strong words for a weak human. Do you actually think you can defeat me? I've fought a lot longer than you.

You: Don't be so cocky.

You then ran towards Adam and the two of you clashed swords. The faunus then broke the clash and started to dish out some attacks of his own. swing after swing, you managed to dodge them all and only get a scratch on your left cheek.

You: "You breathe heavily" Gotta admit, he's tough. "You stand up and spit on the ground" But I've fought tougher.

Blake: "Tries to free herself, but failed" (M/n), get out of here!! Their gonna launch a bomb right on Beacon Academy as we speak!!

You: What!? "You dodge Adam's surprise attack"

After Adam's failed attack, you ran towards him and attack him full on. The faunus tried to block them, but you were to fast for him and dealt heavy damage.

Adam: "Steps back a little bit and then looks at you"

You: What's the matter? Tired already?

Adam: "Brings out a trigger" Time for Plan B. "Pushes the red button on top"

Then, explosions shook the entire facility and soon the alarms went off like crazy.

Blake: "Falls to the ground and manages to break free" What's going on!?

Adam: "Turns around and walks away from you two" I wish I could stay and chat, but I have other business to attend to. "Leaves the room"

You: Coward.

AI: WARNING!! WARNING!! Volcano now active. All personnel must evacuate the facility.

You: Great. "You run towards Blake and help her up" Come on, we have to get out of here now!!

Blake: What about the bomb that's gonna hit the school?

You: Don't worry, we'll stop it along the way. Just hope we have time to escape though.

With that said and done, you and Blake left the room as the two of you ran for the landing bay to escape the crumbling facility.
A few minutes later.....


Adam(Radio): Get in the air and send that bomb straight into Beacon Academy.

White Fang Pilot #2: Yes sir. "They start the engine and prepared to take off"

Back to you and Blake, you finally arrived at the landing bay and soon found the ship carrying the Dust Bomb. Without hesitation, the two of you ran towards it and boarded it just before the vessel took off.

"Knocking on the cockpit door occurs"

White Fang Pilot #2: "Stands up and opens the door" Hello- "Gets punched in the face"

White Fang Pilot: "Looks back and sees you and Blake" WA!! WHAT ARE YOU- "Blake points her gun at his head"

Blake: Drop the bomb or I'll pull the trigger. "Pilot looks at you"

You: I'd do what she says man.

Agreeing to your suggestion, the pilot dropped the bomb and it landed at the slope of the volcano. After that, you knocked him into unconsciousness and took control of the ship so you and Blake can head home.

"Volcano erupts behind you"

You: "You look back and sigh in relief" It's all over. Next stop, Beacon Academy.

Blake: "Looks at you" (M/n), I have to tell you something.

You: What? That you were once a member of The White Fang and only a few people know about it?

Blake: "Looks at you with a surprised expression on her face" H-How did you know?

You: "You look at her" I overheard your conversation with that faunus man. Plus, I can tell by the look on your face.

Blake: Oh. "Sad expression appears on her face"

You: But regardless. "She looks at you" That doesn't mean I hate you for being one of them Blake.

Blake: Really?

You: Yup. What matters is that you left them and become something better.

Blake: "Smiles" (M/n).

You: Yes Blake?

"Surprise kisses you on the cheek"

Blake: Did I ever tell you that I love you?

You: "You look at her while blushing" Umm, n-no. No you haven't.

After hearing you say this, Blake started to laugh and soon you did too. From there, your relationship with Blake has been taken to a whole new level. Even if she was once a part of The White Fang, that didn't change how you care and love her. Guess even a faunus like her can be given a second chance.

!!:DHope you guys enjoy:D!!

Requested by:iconasas1yun:,:icondjpink3pie:, and:iconmojojo103:
RWBY by Monty Oum


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"The volcano... SHE AWAAAAAKES!!"

Vinny: "Hey, I had NOTHING to do with it..."