
Widowmaker x Male Reader - Rekindled Pt.4

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YellowNinja123's avatar

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The final part to Widowmaker's insert. Enjoy guys!!^_^

"Talon Soldier walks up to Widowmaker and she notices him"

Talon Soldier: No reply from the mainland madame.

Widowmaker: We gave them time and they wasted it. Prepare the bombs for launch and await my command.

Talon Soldier: "Salutes" Yes madame. "Turns around and heads for the control room"

Sailor: "Looks to his teammate" What'll we do now?

Sailor #2: Hope for a miracle. I'm afraid that's all we can do.
Back to you, Tracer, and Ana....

After you and the girls arrived at the back of the HMS Regalia, you all boarded the massive vehicle and proceeded towards the control room while being aware of Talon security as well.

"You sneak up to a Talon Soldier and grab him by the neck"

You: "You hit him in the noggin hard and he's instantly out cold" Night night. "You throw him overboard"

Tracer: Now that we're on the ship, which job will we each take?

Ana: I'll take the control room.

Tracer: "Looks at you" Guess that leaves you and me with the hostages.

You: Sure looks like it.

"Ship shakes and you, Tracer, and Ana feel it"

Tracer: What was that?

You: Oh no. "You look to Ana" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Ana: I think so.

You, Ana, and Tracer looked to the starboard bow of the battleship and see three trapdoors open as three huge missiles emerge from the ship's inside. Time is now ticking as Talon prepares to trigger an all out war.

Ana: We're running out of time.

Talon Soldier: Hey!! "You all turn around and see him" Stop right there!!

You: Go go go!!

"Talon soldier fires at you guys and you narrowly dodged his fire"

You: Great, just great!! "You look back to the enemy soldier and shoot him with your custom shotgun" Now they know we're here.

Ana: You two rescue the hostages, I'll go to the control room and disable the bombs.

Tracer: "Brings out her plasma guns" Let's do this.

With that said and done, you and Tracer head for the deck as Ana made her way towards the control room. In this mission, there's no room for errors and if it goes wrong, the world's fate is sealed forever.
Inside the ship

Speakers: Widowmaker, bombs are up and read for launch.

Widowmaker: "Activates her comms" Initiate countdown sequence.

Speakers: Yes madame. "Talon Soldier activates countdown" Countdown initiated. Estimated time for launch, thirty minutes.


Widowmaker: Government? Police? Military? What are they?

Talon Soldier(Comms): OVERWATCH!!

Widowmaker: Their here.

Talon Soldier(Comms): REQUESTING BACK UP IMMEDIATEL- "You shoot the soldier and transmission is instantly cut"

Talon Soldier #2: What're your orders madame?

Widowmaker: Guard the prisoners and see to it that those bombs are launched. "Grabs her rifle" I shall deal with the intruders personally.

Talon Soldier #2: Yes madame.

Widowmaker then left the room and head towards you and Tracer's current position in the HMS Regalia. So far, you and your fast friend are currently in the cabin area and slowly making your way towards the brig, where all the HMS Regalia's crew are at. Sure you and Tracer encountered a lot of Talon Soldiers along the way, but they were pretty easy to deal with.

"You headbutt a Talon Soldier and shoot him two times"

You: How long until we reach the brig?

Tracer: We're not that far. "Runs pass a couple of guys and shoots them afterwards" Just another round of running and we'll be there.

You: "You look to your front and your eyes widen" LENA!! LOOK OUT!!

Tracer: Huh?

"She turns around and almost gets shot by a stray bullet if she hadn't used her powers"

Widowmaker: "Reloads her rifle" Care to play a game again? "Walks towards you and Tracer"

You: Amelie.

Tracer: This isn't good. We don't have time to deal with her.

You: "You think for a moment and an idea pops into your head" I got an idea.

Tracer: "Looks at you" Really? What is it?

You: Lena, you go and rescue the crew. I'll handle Amelie.

Tracer: What!? (M/n), you can't do that.

You: One of us will have to stay and deal with her while the other rescues the crew. It's the only way.

Tracer: Are you sure about this? She won't be that easy to beat.

You: But I have to try.

Tracer: "Sighs" Okay, but you better not get killed.

You: I'll try my best.

With that said and done, Tracer then ran towards Amelie as the blue skinned assassin began to fire on your fellow Overwatch agent, only to have her shot missed as Lena used her powers to run passed her and continued forward.

"Amelie aims her rifle at Tracer"

You: "You run towards Amelie" Oh no you don't!! "You tackle her, but she pulls the trigger"

Tracer: "Opens the door" Time to go!! "Closes it just before the bullet hit her"

Widowmaker: "Looks at you" GET OFF!! "Kicks you away and she stands up immediately"

You: "You get up and look at Amelie" Snap out of it Amelie, it's me!!

Widowmaker: "Picks up her rifle and aims at you" DIE OVERWATCH SCUM!! "Fires at you"

"You dodge some of the bullets and immediately enter a nearby cabin"

You: Amelie, I'm not the enemy. Talon brainwashed you and made you their personal assassin.

Widowmaker: Lies. "Begins to walk towards the room your in"

You: It's the truth!! Don't you remember your husband?

Widowmaker: "Stops upon hearing this" Husband?

You: Yeah, Gerald Lacroix, your husband. Back during the First Omnic Crisis, I was a part of his squad for an assault in Rio. During the fight, he could've been killed if it weren't for me.

Widowmaker: "Starts to feel strange as she puts her hand on her head" Why does that sound familiar?

You: Because Gerald told you that himself.

"Enters the cabin your in and looks at you for a few seconds"

You(In head): Has she come to her senses?

Widowmaker: "Points her rifle at your chest as you raise your arms in the air" Foolish boy.

You(In head): I jinxed it.
Control Room

"Knocking on the door occurs"

Talon Soldier: "Walks up to the door and opens it" Huh?

Talon Soldier #2: What is it?

Talon Soldier: Strange, thought I heard someone knock on the door.

"Gets shot with a sleep dart and instantly collapses onto the ground"

Talon Soldier #2: "He and his comrade stand up as they draw their weapons out" Where did that come from?

Talon Soldier #3: I don't know. Keep your eyes open.

While they were distracted, Ana emerged from her hiding spot and shot down Talon Soldier #2 while throwing a sleeping dart at the other soldier. Once they were both out of commission, the worn out sniper walked towards the control room's console and begins to disable the bomb's launching sequence.

Tracer(Comms): Ana, how're you doing?

Ana: Doing fine. I'm at the control room disabling the bombs as we speak. How about you?

Tracer(Comms): I'm getting close to the hostages while (M/n) stayed behind.

Ana: Wait, what? Where's (M/n) then?

Tracer(Comms): I think you'll know why when you think about it.

Ana: "Realizes what she's talking about" She's here too huh?

Tracer(Comms): Yeah, but he'll be fine. I know it.

Ana: If you say so.

"Talon Soldier #3 gets up from his slumber, but ends up getting shot by Ana afterwards"

Ana: Don't disobey your elder and stay asleep.
Back to Tracer....

Soon, Tracer arrived at the brig as five Talon Soldiers fire on her. For a normal person, they would be dead in a matter of seconds, but for Lena, this is a piece of cake and soon arrived at the back of the enemy soldiers. By the time the soldiers turned around, they were instantly shot down by Tracer and were all eliminated right on the spot.

"Tracer puts away her plasma guns"

Sailor: Woah. "Tracer looks at him" Who're you?

Tracer: Name's Tracer love. "Finds the key and picks it up"

Sailor #2: I knew help would arrive.

"Tracer unlocks the cells with all the ship's crew in seconds and frees them all"

Sailor #3: Thank you madame, my comrades and I are in your debt.

Tracer: Your not in clear waters yet sailor, we still need to secure this ship.

Sailor #3: "Nods his head" Right.

"Tracer and the crew leave the brig and head for the control room"

Tracer: "Touches her earpiece" Ana, hostages have been secured. Are the bombs disabled yet?

Ana(Comms): Almost, I'll need more time.

Tracer: Roger that. "Transmission ends"
Back to you and Amelie....

After you and Amelie stared at each other for a couple of minutes, you pushed the nose of her rifle up just before she fired. You then immediately stood up and shove Amelie's rifle away so you can fight her in an old fist to fist fight. Even without her gun, Amelie is a fierce fighter and does not intend to lose anytime.

"You block two attacks from her and kick her away from you"

You: I don't wanna fight you Amelie, but I will if I have to.

Widowmaker: "Looks at you as she pulls her combat knife out" I wouldn't stress about it.

Without hesitation, Amelie ran up to you and began to slash her combat knife at you in hopes of ending the fight fast. You did manage to dodge her attacks, but not without gaining some scratches and torn parts of your old Overwatch uniform. Soon, Amelie found an opening in your defense and thrust her knife at your right shoulder, but you managed to hold it for a couple of seconds before she succeeded in landing a blow on you.

"You headbutt Amelie and push her away"

You: "You pull the knife out of your shoulder and throw it aside" That hurt ya know.

Widowmaker: "Looks at you" Like I care. "She charges for you"

You: "You endure her tackle and grab her before pushing her to a wall" It's over Amelie!! Stop this now!!

Talon Soldier(Comms): "Radio turns on" Widowmaker, the bombs' launch has stopped and the ship's lost. What are your orders?

"Amelie looks at you as you look back at her"

You: Surrender Amelie, you don't have anywhere else to go.

Widowmaker(In head): "She pulls out an explosive trigger" I don't think so.

After that, Amelie pressed the trigger's button and in an instant, a huge explosion occurred in the ship's left side as alarms sounded all over the place. Earlier, Widowmaker and her soldiers planted explosives in the HMS Regalia's ammo rack incase their operation had failed. And when Amelie remembered this, she didn't hesitate to use the fail safe.

"You slowly get to your feet as you regain your equilibrium"

You: "You touch your earpiece" Ana, Lena, are you guys alright?

Ana(Comms): We're okay.

Tracer(Comms): The crew are headed for the emergency boats as we speak, but the ship's sinking.

You: The bombs?

Ana(Comms): Disabled.

You: Good, I'll meet you guys back at the boat.

Tracer(Comms): Copy that (M/n).

Ana(Comms): See you there. "Transmission ends"

You then heard Amelie groaning in the room you two were in earlier as she tries tirelessly to move some large metal pipe off of her. Knowing she can't do this alone, you decided to go back and help her. When Amelie saw you arrive and lift the pipe, she couldn't believe that you'd help someone like her after what just happened. As you continued to lift the pipe, the injury on you left shoulder began to take effect, but you tried your best to ignore it and concentrate on helping a friend in distress.

"You lift the pipe high enough and Amelie moves out of the way"

You: "You drop the pipe as you breathed heavily" You know me.

Widowmaker: "Looks at you in anger" NO I DON'T!! "Punches you hard as you stepped back a bit"

You: "You look at her" I'm not gonna fight you anymore. "You throw your shotgun away" Your my friend.

Widowmaker: Big mistake.

"She tackles you and punches you a couple of times afterwards"

You: "You look at her again" You know, for someone with arachnophobia, you got a mean punch.

Widowmaker: SHUT UP!! "Punches you again, but harder this time"

You: "You notice water starting to enter the room" The ship's gonna sink soon Amelie.

Widowmaker: I know. "Readies her fist for another punch" But first, I shall kill you. Right here.

You: Before you do, I have something to tell you.

Widowmaker: What is it?

You: It's a promise Gerald asked me to keep before he died.


Years ago....

Overwatch HQ


Gerald: Can you promise me something?

You: Promise what sir?

Gerald: "He looks at you" If I get killed, promise that you'll look after Amelie for me.

You: Huh? Why would you say that?

Gerald: Just in case the day comes I get killed in action that's all.

You: Can't you get someone else to do that?

"Stands up from his chair and walks up to you"

Gerald: I can't stand thinking about Amelie facing the world all by herself, so she'll need someone by her side who'll be there to help. And that person is you, (M/n).

You: But why me sir?

Gerald: "Puts his hand on your left shoulder" Because I trust you. So can I trust you to keep Amelie safe when I'm gone?

You: "You stay quiet for a few seconds and look at him" I promise.

Gerald: "Pats on your shoulder" Good man.

Present Day

After telling this story to Amelie, she was in full shock. Not only that, she began to notice tears running down her face. She doesn't know why this is happening, but Amelie started to see a flurry of memories of her days before becoming Widowmaker.

You: You know what the funny thing is?

Widowmaker: "She looks at you" What?

You: After just seeing you once that day has made me fall over heels for you.

Widowmaker: "Her eyes widen upon hearing this" me?

You: So much I'd take a missile for you.

"Ship shakes hard as water begins to pour in faster than before"

You: Get out of here while you still can Amelie. The ship's not gonna hold for long.

Everything went silent for the next couple of seconds and what happened next was something you never saw coming. Out of the blue, Amelie picked you up and began to help you get to the upper deck of the ship as fast as she could. Soon, you both got out just before the hall behind you flooded with water.

Tracer: (M/N)!! "You and Amelie hear her" (M/N) WHERE ARE YOU!!

You: Put me down.

Widowmaker: Are you sure?

You: Just do it, this ship won't last for another fight.

"Amelie puts you down near a wall and begins to run away from you"

You: Amelie. "She stops and she looks at you" Do you remember me now?

Widowmaker: Find me and I'll give you your answer. "She continues running"

You: Guess it's a yes.

Tracer: (M/N) WHERE ARE YOU!! "She looks to where your at and finds you" (M/N)!!
"She runs up to you" Are you okay? What happened?

You: No time to explain. "You slowly get up as you clutch your left shoulder" Let's get out of here.

Tracer: Right.

With that said and done, you and Tracer went back to the rear of the HMS Regalia and got back onto your boat just before the battleship fully submerged and sank to the bottom of the ocean. As for Widowmaker and her remaining men? They escaped as well, headed back to their hidden base in shame.

"You and Tracer enter the bridge"

Ana: "Looks at you" You alright?

You: Got cut, but I'll be fine.

Ana: "Looks back to the front" Had any luck with Amelia?

You: I think so. "You walk to Ana's left side and face the front"

Tracer: What happened?

You: Just before she could kill me, Amelia got me out of the lower deck just before it was fully submerged.

Ana: Anything else?

You: I asked her if she remembered me and she simply said this: "Find me and I'll give you your answer."

Tracer: "She looks at you" So what now?

"You look at Tracer and Ana and then look back to the front"

You: We find her. But I can't do this alone you know.

Tracer: Then count me in.

Ana: "Shrugs" It'd be nice to have some company.

You(In head): See you soon, Amelia.

!!:DHope you guys enjoy:D!!

Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment


Male Reader Insert Request Journal---->…

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silverrules2006's avatar
Holy shit. 10 out of 10.